Utah Children (www.utahchildren.org) Utah Children is a child advocacy organization that speaks out on behalf of the children of Utah and seeks to improve the lives of children whose families are least able to protect and nurture them
Camp Kostopulos (www.campk.org) - review In Emigration Canyon, Camp K is a summer camp where kids and adults with disabilities can engage in outdoor activities.
Christmas Box House (www.thechristmasboxhouse.org) - review The Christmas Box House is a facility for abused and neglected children.
Utah Foster Care Foundation (www.utahfostercare.org) - review Learn how you can help the most vunerable citizens of Utah with Utah Foster Care.
Children's Justice Center (www.cjcslc.org) (2003 Best of State). The CJC provides a comfortable, child-friendly atmosphere where children receive coordinated services during the child abuse investigative process.
Act of Love Adoptions (www.aactofloveadoptions.com) A Utah based Adoption agency that focuses on domestic baby (infant) adoptions. Last year couples waited 3-4 months before adopting.
Planned Parenthood - Utah (www.plannedparenthood.org) Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening families by promoting responsible sexual behavior and by encouraging family planning.
Children's Service Society of Utah (www.cssutah.org) - review The Children?s Service Society of Utah is committed to meeting the growth and developmental needs of children.
Power In You (powerinyou.org) - review Power in You is a mentoring program established by First Lady Kaye Huntsman.
Safe Water for Utah Kids (www.superiorwaterandair.com) - review A program by Superior Water and Air that provides filtered drinking fountains in schools and other locations.
Jewish Family Service (www.jfsutah.org) Jewish Family Service is a nonprofit social service organization that serves individuals from all denominations.
Defending Our Children's Future (defendingourchildrensfuture.weebly.com) Kids have social security numbers. This site warns of the problems that result when someone steals the SSN of a child.
Hope & Home (www.hopeandhome.org) Hope and Homes supports foster care in Colorado.
Ronald McDonald House (rmhcslc.com) The Ronald McDonald House offers a place for families with children needing medical care at area hospitals.
Heartstrings Adoptions (www.heartstringsadoptions.com) Our focus is the well being of our birth mothers. We help and guide them to find the right family to welcome a child into their lives.
One With Courage (onewithcourageutah.org) - review America is suffering an epidemic of child sexual abuse. One With Courage is seeking to raise awareness of sexual abuse and works with the Children Justice Center to report and stop abuse.
DDI VANTAGE, Inc. (www.ddivantage.org) DDI Vantage provides services to promote the independence of children.
Chainbreaker Foundation (chainbreakerfoundation.com) - review The ChainBreaker Foundation, a Utah-based, non-profit entity, helps victims stop the generational cycle of abuse through education, guidance and support. The foundation is an all-volunteer organization.
Susan Cox Powell Foundation (www.susancoxpowellfoundation.net) A foundation set up in memory of Susan Cox Powell who disappeared and is likely a victim of domestic abuse.
Protect All Children (protecteverychild.com) - review This site by Sam Young seeks to raise awareness of child abuse.
Eva Carlston Academy (evacarlston.com) Eva Carlson Academy is a treatment center for young women on Wasatch Blvd.