
<== Site Review (2005-04-12) ==>

That's balderdash. You aren't too young to attend the University of Utah. So, maybe you haven't finished the third grade yet. You can still take part in quality education opportunities at the U. You just have to look in the Youth Programs catalog.

That's right, The U is a diverse community with opportunities for students of all ages. The SmartKids web page lists learning experiences for pre-University level students. It is a great place to find activities to awakening students to the wonders of learning and science. The subject page lists offerings by the different departments at the U. The list includes everything from summer courses for honor students to activies at Pioneer Memorial Theatre and Red Butte Gardens.

Taking advantage of the pre-University opportunities can give your kids one leg up when it is time to move on to higher education.

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Site NameYouth Programs
Review History2005-04-12
Category Salt Lake Sites: Kids
Page Views4316
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