
<== Site Review (2008-02-10) ==>

Thunderbird Foundation for the Arts

The Thunderbird Foundation for the Arts is dedicated to preserving the artistic traditions of Maynard Dixon. This Salt Lake group preserves the home of Maynard Dixon in Mt Carmel, Utah. (Just east of Zion National Park in Southern Utah). Each year the foundation hosts an artists retreat that provides artists with a forum for practicing plein air painting and communication with the art world.

The retreats often include the cream of the Utah artististic community including names such as Ken Baxter and Russell Case. The foundation also provides retreats for special needs artists.

The Thunderbird Foundation sponsors the annual Maynard Dixon Country art show that takes place in August and are working to build a museum in honor of Maynard Dixon.

You can learn more about the Thunderbird Foundation for the Arts at the Bingham Art Gallery in the historic Kearns Building in Salt Lake.

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Site NameThunderbird Foundation for the Arts
Review History2008-02-10
Category Salt Lake Sites: Arts
Page Views5976
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