The vast distances between our houses and medical facilities provides a great challenge for seniors and others needing health care. This page list links for sites offering medical transportation.
For emergencies, the best course of action is to call 911. Emergency services will send paramedics, fire engines and ambulances as needed. The calls can result in several thousand dollars in bills.
For non-emergencies, it is usually better to call a private provider which can pick up people in wheel chairs, hospital beds or with other mobility needs. The price of medical transportation is usually about twice the cost of a cab.
Mobility Transport Services ( MTS provides non-emergency medical transportation services.
Angel Medtrans ( Angel MedTrans, LLC (AMT) is a non-emergency medical, and special needs transportation provider located in Salt Lake City, UT.
Senior Transportation-Aging & Adult Services ( The Rides for Wellness Program provides rides for older adults, 60 years of age or older, with no other means of transportation to vital medical appointments such as dialysis, chemotherapy, physical therapy and prescription pick ups.