
<== Site of the Week for 2014-03-26 ==>

Communities United

Comunidades Unidas is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate ethnic disparities by promoting grassroots outreach, education and capacity building as well as advocating for long term policy change.

The community organization has updates on events and information on how you can get involved. Below is the organization's YouTube playlist:

Link Detailshelp
Site NameCommunities United
Review History2014-03-26
Category Salt Lake Sites: Community
Page Views3839

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.