<== Site of the Week for 2018-08-08 ==>

Campus Book Rentals

The textbook audience is a publisher's dream. You wine and dine a few department heads, then, wham, you have a captive audience forced to shell out hundreds of dollars for books.

Unfortunately, the publisher's dream is the cash-strapped-student's nightmare. Many students find themselves caught in a clamp where they must sell last quarter's books to buy the next quarter's book. This can be a troubling affair as editions change and expensive books lose their market value.

protect yourself from the high price of textbooks
The Book © refat

You can now protect yourself from the high price of textbooks.

Campus Book Rentals from Kaysville realizes the plight of students. The store rents textbooks online. You rent a book online for a set period of days. They mail the book to you. You then return the book through the mail by the given deadline.

It is like a large library full of the most current and popular textbooks.

I checked several books. The rental price is usually between a quarter and half of the retail price. The price includes shipping both ways.

The big advantage to renting a book (compared to buying and reselling) is that you don't have to pay the full price of the book upfront, and you have a guaranteed place to return the book.

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Site NameCampus Book Rentals
Review History2014-08-18
Category Salt Lake Sites: Bookstores
Page Views19099
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