
<== Site of the Week for 2008-04-09 ==>

Spinderella's Creations

Spinderella's Creations is a company dedicated to the fiber arts. They are actually engaged in one of the most difficult and undervalued aspects of bringing fiber from the sheep to the sweater: They clean and card the wool in preparation for spinning. It is in this process that fiber artists do the dying of wool.

The company has a vintage carding machine that they call Meriwether. The web site includes videos of Meriwether in action.

My favorite sections of the site are the pages on choosing and washing a fleece.

You will find complete details on the services and products offered by Spinderella.

In addition to wool, Spinderella Creations is able to card Alpaca and other fine wools.

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Site NameSpinderella's Creations
Review History2008-04-09
Category Salt Lake Sites: Crafts
Page Views5215
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