
<== Site Review (2008-04-14) ==>

The Avenues Hostel

Traveling on a budget? Hostels are an affordable alternative to expensive hotels. The Avenues Hostel is a Salt Lake Hostel with dorm style and private rooms. One of the great advantages of a hostel is that you get to meet fellow travelers on your vacation. Of course, that is also one of the big disadvantages. Your dorm mate might end up being some sort of know-it-all site of the day reviewer who thinks he's some sort of hot stuff, but isn't.

As I know people in Salt Lake. I have not stayed in this particular hostel. I wish the site had pictures. Hostels do very in quality.

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Site NameAvenues Hostel, The
Review History2008-04-14
Category Salt Lake Sites: Lodging
Page Views6186
PreviousUtah Rare Plants

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