
<== Site Review (2006-03-27) ==>

Grow Utah Ventures

Contrary to the myth. Entrepreneurs don't do it on their own. In school we are taught that businesses are in conflict with the community. The truth of the matter is that businesses grow based on their ability to connect with the community. Failure to connect with the community pretty much means insolvency.

Conversely, for a community to have a vibrant economic landscape, we need organizations that build the business community.

For this reason, I am always happy to see groups like Grow Utah Ventures pop up on the scene. GUV has the stated goal of helping Utah businesses grow.

A major focus of the site is hooking up entrepreneurs with venture capitalists and resources to help businesses grow.

Initiatives include the new E-Station in downtown Ogden which opened November 28, 2005. The site also involved with a variety of business initiatives such as the Business Igniter Series which is taking place today (Nov 29, 2005) at the Miller Free Enterprise Center in Sandy.

The Business Igniter Series explores how you can ignite your business's growth ... and ... if that doesn't work ... how to collect fire insurance ...

NOTE TO SELF: pathetic stabs at humor are one sure way to keep a business from growing.

The founder of the organization is Alan Hall president and CEO of MarketStar corporation. Kent Thomas of CFO Solutions. Greg Warnock is a founding partner of vSpring Capital, etc.

While headquartered in the Salt Lake Valley (Kaysville), the company has many ties to Ogden and has specifcally established the Top of Utah Angels to address the needs of Northern Utah.

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Site NameGrow Utah Ventures
Review History2006-03-27
Category Salt Lake Sites: Business Resources
Page Views6094
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