
<== Site Review (2008-11-17) ==>

Clarity Window Cleaning and Snow Removal Co.

So, you spent your entire childhood at the climbing gym and are now expected to be a responsible adult with a job.

Clarity Window Cleaning and Snow Removal Co. might be an interesting option. You strap yourself to a rope and clean the windows of highrise buildings or really tall houses.

The web site includes a slide show of window cleaners in precarious places.

During the winter months, the company offers snow removal services. The cool thing about being the snow removal person is that you get to be the first one to reach the slopes after a big dump of fresh powder. Of course, you don't get to ski the powder as you have to drive the snow plow back down the canyon.

Let's face it. No matter how you go about it. Work is a lousy way to spend the day.

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Site NameClarity Window Cleaning and Snow Removal Co.
Review History2008-11-17
Category Salt Lake Sites: Cleaning
Page Views5046
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