Volunteering is the easiest way to make a positive impact in your society. Many people enjoy adding volunteer work in their schedule since it gives them a chance to actually make an impact and to do what they want to do in life. There are many organizations calling for volunteers in Salt Lake and organizations dedicated to matching volunteers to opportunities.
U-Can-Do.org (www.u-can-do.org) Salt Lake County - Volunteer Opportunities. A volunteer opportunity finding service for Salt Lake City.
Rape Recovery Center (www.raperecoverycenter.org) Volunteers answer the crisis line and provide community education.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah (www.bbbsu.org) is a volunteer opportunity where you can make a dramatic impact in the life of a less fortunate youth.
Hospice Volunteers Needed (harmonyhomehealth.com) Your smile can cheer up someone???s entire day. Your time can significantly improve their quality of life. Every day healthcare volunteers help their neighbors and are rewarded with the appreciation of those they serve.