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Steals and Deals

eCommerce sites run steals and deals. A steal site runs a deep discount one at a time. Other gimmicks are loss leaders which entice people to shop with a few items at below market price.

National Sites / Local Deals

A growing number of national sites offer local deals. For example, Yelp offers Yellow Page listings enhanced with local deals.

Press the button below this text to show hundreds of local deals for the Salt Lake Valley from LocalSavers, Restaurant.com, Living Social, DealChicken, etc.

Visual Ads

Some sites promote their loss leaders and steals with visual ads that they update regularly. The bargains below change regularly (some daily).

Jan'sSparkle CartelCricut
Scrapbook StealsKid StealsShe Steals
Backcountry.comGear TradeChristy Sports

More Stuff

Our sister site (aFountainOfBargains.com) lists internet sales and daily deals from national stores.

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