
<== Site Review (2011-08-13) ==>

Salt Lake Gas Prices

How high will gas prices go? Salt Lake City Gas Prices is part of the Gas Buddy family of sites. Users of the site contribute information on the gas prices at local stations. The site has an online forum where you can discuss fuel saving tips.

Gas prices have been jumping of late (hitting record highs in non-adjusted dollars). Of course, compared to 1981 prices, gas is a bargain. When considering inflation, one would suspect prices to reach record highs every couple years. It is amazing, the big efficiency gains in engine design managed to lower gas prices for a full twenty years. Since cars are more efficient, we are getting more from the gas we purchase.

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Site NameSalt Lake City Gas Prices
Review History2011-08-13
Category Salt Lake Sites: Gas Stations
Page Views5661
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