
<== Site of the Week for 2006-01-18 ==>

Taffy Shop

Taffy takes advantage of one of Salt Lake's most ignored and forgotten assets...the massive Salt Lake west of town.

The Taffy Shop has been making Great Salt Lake Salt Water Taffy since the 1920s. While the shores of the lake have receded, flooded and receded again, salt water taffy continues to be one of the traditions that delights visitors to the shores of the Great Salt Lake and to the Saltair facilities.

The web site goes a little beyond being a straight online store. In addition to selling 44 flavors of taffy, the shop has information on the history of the Saltair.

Unfortunately, the site hobbles itself with an awkward frames navigation. Skilled web surfers can make their way to the treats.

hmmmm, Halloween seems to be around the corner. Would Salt Water Taffy be a good treat. Do you think the kids would notice the extra love that goes into gourmet taffies?

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Site NameTaffy
Review History2006-01-18
Category Salt Lake Sites: Candy
Page Views4490
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