
<== Site Review (2005-10-11) ==>

Salt Lake Airport

The Holidays are the busiest time of the year for the Salt Lake City International Airport airport. So, I thought I would give them a quick site of the day mention. According to the web site, the airport is now a Wi-Fi zone offering high speed wireless internet access to visitors. So, there are cool things going down at the airport.

The Airport's web site is one of the more informative and interesting sites in the local web. You can use the site to check flight schedules and delays in real time. This is great if you are planning on picking up people at the airport. They have an informative history page that talks about the growth of the airport and statistics page which includes fun facts and aggregate information about arrivals and departures. The high cost of travel seems to have cut travel of late.

If you are planning on visiting the airport, you will probably want to check out the airport guide. For some strange reason, they converted the guide to PDF format. That means a large number of computers can no longer access the guide.

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Site NameSalt Lake City International Airport
Review History2005-10-11
Category Salt Lake Sites: Airways
Page Views5836
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