
<== Site of the Week for 2009-12-30 ==>


With a well trained an polite work force, Utah has long be a choice location for call centers.

The Utah technology sector has a long history of pushing call technology to its most effiencent.

Realizing that people do not need to be sitting in a cubicle like a cow to answer the phone, the current trend in call center technology is the virtual call center. Such a call center will have the information relevant to a call in a centrally located data center.

The calls can be answered anywhere.

The calls can even be answered from a person's home.

inContact [NASDAQ: SAAS] is a Salt Lake firm that puts all of the pieces together and offers a virtual call center service to companies arund the world. As the system is virtual, it can easily expand and contract with a business's needs.

Best of all, the people answering the calls can work from home.

As people working from home no longer need to drive to the office, the virtual call center has proven to be a green technology.

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Site NameinContact
Review History2009-12-30
Category Salt Lake Sites: Employment
Page Views4519
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