
<== Site Review (2006-05-20) ==>

Orbit Online

Recent drought years have Utahns rethinking the landscape. I've successfully carved out a third of the lawn and transformed it into a low water usage rock garden.

As for lawns, Utahns are no longer strive for the intense golf course green. Instead, modern Utah gardeners strive for green with just a hint of brown. The ideal lawn in one that minimizes water consumption without turning patchy.

Planning the spriking system takes a great deal of thought. So, for the site of the day I've chosen the Bountiful company Orbit? which manufactures watering and irrigation devices.

The web site has information about the company along with a few pages on designing and installing irrigation systems. One of the themes of the site is Conservation Through Innovation. Applying analysis and computer technology can help us greatly improve our utilization of this valuable resource.

I say: "Conserve water! After all, water doesn't just drop from the sky."

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Site NameOrbit?
Review History2006-05-20
Category Salt Lake Sites: Landscape
Page Views4011
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