
<== Site Review (2008-08-12) ==>

Kid to Kid

Kid to Kid is a franchise that helps recycle kid's clothes. The franchise started in Sandy and is gradually working its way around the world.

News releases on the site claim that the average American discards 70 pounds of clothes each year. Our nation sends a total of 28 billion pounds of clothes hauled off to the dumps.

Kids tend to outgrow clothes. Wise parents have discovered that they can sell their old clothes to Kids to Kids and pick up the next larger size. Recycling clothes saves energy and materials. Since most clothes are made abroad these days, recycling clothes helps reduce our nation's balance of payments.

The thing I like most about the recycling trend is that, once a person is in the recycling mindset they become more attentive to quality. A person who is accustomed to selling clothes will buy higher quality clothes. While a person unaccustomed to selling old clothes tends to buyer cheaper disposable outfits.

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Site NameKid to Kid
Review History2008-08-12
Category Salt Lake Sites: Children Stores
Page Views6037
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