<== Site of the Week for 2019-02-27 ==>
Sunstone Magazine
The Sunstone Education Foundation is an independent organization that published the Sunstone Magazine and provides a variety of online educational services related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
According to Wikipedia, the group started publishing in 1975 and ceased the printed magazine in 2018. They continue to publish online newsletters, podcasts and youtube videos.
The group hosts an annual symposium that usually takes place in August.
The symposium is notorious for including marginalized groups within the LDS Church and is reported to have allowed voices from outside the LDS Church. For example, the symposium discussed the policy of denying priesthood to blacks before integration was permitted by revelation in 1978.
The group seems to wax in and out of favor. It appears that favor of the group has been waning in the last few years. The video shows a tour of their offices.
Part Two