
<== Site Review (2008-09-08) ==>

First Hand Medical

My Carpel Tunnel by First Hand Medical has information on the prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. The company sells a device called The Carpal Solution that you wear at night which can help you overcome the pain of carpal.

Carpal tunnel is a medical condition that affects the wrists of people engaged in repetitive activities such as typing, manufacturing or playing radical video games late into the night.

If ignored, carpal tunnel will get worse with time. People often go through costly and painful surgery to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you are attentive to your wrists, you can prevent and self treat the condition.

The site has an informative infomercial running on YouTube:

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Site NameMy Carpal Tunnel
Review History2008-09-08
Category Salt Lake Sites: Medical Equipment
Page Views4404
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