
<== Site Review (2008-04-11) ==>

Guthrie Bicycle

Guthrie Bicycle Co is one of my favorite spots in Salt Lake City. This store traces its history to 1888 when Meredith Brothers opened a bicycle manufacturing site. Yes, there used to be a large number of small manufacturing firms in towns like Salt Lake.

James William Guthrie was a late comer to the business. He joined the firm in 1904 and continued making bikes. The business has changed hands several times since the name was shorted to Guthrie Bicycle.

I was heart broken when the store moved from its historic location in downtown to the new store on 803 East 2100 South.

Here are pictures of the old and new location:

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Site NameGuthrie Bicycle
Review History2008-04-11
Category Salt Lake Sites: Bikes
Page Views4833
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