
<== Site Review (2008-01-25) ==>

The Metro Condominiums

The Salt Lake area has a major problem: Most of the high density housing the valley was built in unincorporated areas in the county. It is completely inconvenient. For years, I've lived in complexes that are out in the boondocks with no stores or nightlife within walking distance. I was very unhappy. The problem, of course, is zoing. In the last several decades, the zoning in Salt Lake City proper has been so restrictive that the middle class has been zoned out.

The Metro Condominiums is one of the few high density housing projects allowed in the city. The Metro will have 117 units with a mix of 3, 2 and 1 bedroom units along with 19 studios. It looks like the prices for the initial sale will range from $100,000 to $400,000 per unit. The condos also have homeowners fees, etc..

The Condos are located on at 350 South 200 East. The complex is conveniently located near the University line of Trax.

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Site NameMetro Condominiums, The
Review History2008-01-25
Category Salt Lake Sites: Condos
Page Views5182
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