
<== Site of the Week for 2006-03-08 ==>

Korr Medical Technologies

The first step to good health is to know thyself.

Knowing oneself is not an easy task. For example, we know that our metabolism plays an important role in weight loss and weight gain. We know that improving this mysterious thing called metabolism can help us control our weight.

The troubles comes in knowing what our metabolism is and how to control or improve it. Without a way of measuring a metabolism we are simply left guessing about the effectiveness of a workout.

Korr is a Salt Lake Biotechnology firm developing equipment for measuring metabolism. The devises measure the amount of energy you consume through a process called indirect calorimetry. The systems measure the amount of oxygen you consume in a given amount of time. Your rate of oxygen corresponds to the amount of calories you consume.

A direct measurement of metabolism provides better data for designing diets than weight or waist size. Korr will be an interesting company to watch in the up coming years.

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Site NameKorr
Review History2006-03-08
Category Salt Lake Sites: Bio Tech
Page Views5465
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