
<== Site Review (2003-08-26) ==>

In the extreme sports category: The Cloud 9 Soaring Center offers paragliding from the point of the mountain in the southern reaches of the Salt Lake Valley. The web site has information on the sport of paragliding along with an online forum, online store.

From the web design perspective, the site is clean, with elegantly shaped text areas, and a sprinkling of visuals. From an information perspective, the site is fantastic. Even if you loath the idea of hang gliding the sites gives you information on the paragliders that you see soaring over the south valley on occasion.

For those who like living on the edge, the site is all about people who step off the edge of the point of mountain strapped to a big piece of cloth.

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Site NameThe Cloud 9 Soaring Center
Review History2003-08-26
Category Salt Lake Sites: Recreation
Page Views5688
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NextCraig Berntson

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