Looking for a charming getaway along the Wasatch Front. Nothing can compete with the elegance many local Bed and Breakfasts nestled throughout the valley. Most bed and breakfasts involve a labor of love, as such, they generally come equipped with a good, informative web site. If, I missed one, please add it to the directory. You can find traditional hotels in the Salt Lake Lodging directory.
Haxton Manor (haxtonmanor.com) A Bed and Breakfast Country Inn, 943 East South Temple.
Silver Fork Lodge (www.silverforklodge.com) is nestled in Big Cottonwood Canyon overlooking Honeycomb Canyon and Solitude Ski Resort. Siver Fork offers fine dining and ski vactions.
The Anniversary Inn (www.anniversaryinn.com) Bed and Breakfasts in the Old Salt Lake City Jail, on South Temple and Logan offers romantic themed suites such as the Forty-Niner, Hayloft and Log Cabin suites
Ellerbeck Mansion (www.ellerbeckbedandbreakfast.com) a historic Victorian home nestled in the heart of the charming historic Avenues District of downtown Salt Lake City. Recently renovated and restored to its original charm, it boasts hardwood floors, original moldings and stained glass.
Wildflowers Bed and Breakfast (www.wildflowersbb.com) [936 East 1700 South] A full restoration of this 1891 Victorian home provides the best of everything.
The Armstrong Mansion (www.armstrongmansion.com) The Armstrong Mansion is a Bed and Breakfast located at 667 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT. (photo)