Salt Lake Sites is the ultimate online directory for the Salt Lake Valley. Listing is free, and open to anyone in Salt Lake County who creates web sites. To add your site, find the category that best fits your business, then press the "addLink" URL at the bottom of the page.
Salt Lake Sites is not the only directory in town. This category contains lists of directories and web creations that have a pages about Utah's capital city. This category is a directory of directories.
This, of course, leads to Russells famed self referential paradox. I've noticed that some directories contain links back to themselves. Others do not. Let's say I made a directory of "non self referential" directories. Well, this directory does not have a link to itself. It is "non self referential." Now it is a self-referential directory! I now am in the abyss of infinite paradox.
Anyway, these are some of the many directories and references for Salt Lake.