
<== Site Review (2004-07-13) ==>

NPS Pharmaceuticals is researching and developing medicines that use therapeutic small molecules and recombinant proteins.

The web site provides another fascinating look into Salt Lake's booming biotechnology business. The pharmaceuticals developed by NPS address issues such as osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation indicates that 55% of people over 50 have low bone mass and are at increased risk of osteoporosis. Ten million Americans have the disease. Women account for 80% of the cases. (ahem, many people do not get enough calcium and vitamin D in their diets.)

Unfortunately, the body is not all that adept at rebuilding bones. Waiting until you are 50 to start taking calcium doesn't cut it. NPS is looking at the role of parathyroid hormone in building bones and is testing a drug called PREOS? which uses PTH to help stimulate bone growth.

On the gastronomical scene, the NPS site reports work on a Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) hormone that regulates the growth, proliferation and maintenance of the mucosal lining of the small intestine. After all, a well maintained intestine helps the body absorb nutrients and discharge toxins.

The web site keeps updates of research results and gives us an idea of ways that biotechnology is helping improve our lives.

As for me, after reading this site, I think I will have a calcium rich yogurt with active cultures and hope that eating good foods will help reduce the chance of my becoming an NPS customer.

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Site NameNPS Pharmaceuticals
Review History2004-07-13
Category Salt Lake Sites: Bio Tech
Page Views5628
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